Since my childhood I loved to create things which solve my need. Also, I used to sketch and paint lot. later, I decided to do the graduation in a field where I may continue my passion and learn new design processes and I found architecture best. In second year of my graduation I decided to explore the field of designs and polish my skills and I did master in design from IIT Bombay. I always wanted a profession where I can create and design.
When a spider creates its web to live – its perfection is design. Design and Innovation are the faces of a coin. If innovation is need, then design covers all those aspects which keep enhancing the experience and the quality.
Notice/Sense each element that it is good or bad based on the need of its presence supporting design aspects like usage, simplicity, accessibility, aesthetic, affordability, ergonomics and intuitiveness.
Though everything happening around is somehow natural. The designer’s responsibility is to introduce unknown obviousness and keep setting the definition - what is natural.
It may sound philosophical but the 'Design' is evolving since earth/like anything on earth. I believe the 'Realization of Design' field is happening. The more realization is more attention towards future.