Boat Biologs Bioremediating Floating Raft Gardens

Sustainable Product Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design.

Boat Biologs Bioremediating Floating Raft Gardens
by Riya Kuvavala

  • Awarded April 15, 2023
  • CLIENT: Riya Kuvavala
  • 4.127
Collaborating with the London boat community, these bioremediating floating gardens were designed to be built and installed by boat residents using accessible and locally sourced materials to fight canal water pollution. By incentivizing boaters with the promise of a private floating garden, this community-based call to action automatically strategizes and targets the source of water pollution and converts it into the solution. This collectively improves the quality of this shared water ecosystem whilst promoting the growth of native plants, insects and birds.

Collaborating with the London boat community, these bioremediating floating gardens were designed to be built and installed by boat residents using accessible and locally sourced materials to fight canal water pollution. By incentivizing boaters with the promise of a private floating garden, this community-based call to action automatically strategizes and targets the source of water pollution and converts it into the solution. This collectively improves the quality of this shared water ecosystem whilst promoting the growth of native plants, insects and birds.

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Good  Design

Boat Biologs Bioremediating Floating Raft Gardens

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Boat Biologs Bioremediating Floating Raft Gardens

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Boat Biologs Bioremediating Floating Raft Gardens

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Boat Biologs Bioremediating Floating Raft Gardens

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Boat Biologs Bioremediating Floating Raft Gardens

Boat Biologs Bioremediating Floating Raft Gardens

Riya Kuvavala

Designer of Boat Biologs Bioremediating Floating Raft Gardens

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