Hexagram Experimental Fonts

Graphic Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design.

Hexagram Experimental Fonts
by Lu Zhao

  • Awarded April 15, 2023
  • CLIENT: Lu Zhao
  • 967
The concept of the Hexagram is expressed in the visual language by combining the hexagram and the five seasons and six stars observation method with the modern design language. The sixty-four diagrams produced by the hexagram are presented in the form of geometric lines to visually convey their connotation and give modern significance and ideas to the hexagram. Through the standardized design of traditional talismans and the association with the divinatory symbols, the changes in the elements of yin and yang will form a new expression of the divinatory symbols.

The concept of the Hexagram is expressed in the visual language by combining the hexagram and the five seasons and six stars observation method with the modern design language. The sixty-four diagrams produced by the hexagram are presented in the form of geometric lines to visually convey their connotation and give modern significance and ideas to the hexagram. Through the standardized design of traditional talismans and the association with the divinatory symbols, the changes in the elements of yin and yang will form a new expression of the divinatory symbols.

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Good  Design

Hexagram Experimental Fonts

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Hexagram Experimental Fonts

Hexagram Experimental Fonts

Lu Zhao

Designer of Hexagram Experimental Fonts

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