Wsd Speciality Coffee Maker

Home Appliance Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Home Appliances Design.

Wsd Speciality Coffee Maker
by Nicola Zanetti

  • Awarded April 15, 2023
  • CLIENT: Segnoinverso
  • 2.105
The design is a specialty coffee machine for drip coffee. It has an automated movement of the parts to collect ground coffee and move, with a rotation, to the water outlet position. One button and it's done! The user can modify or pre-set the details of grinding, temperature, and volume of water. The state-of-the-art machine is designed to brew the favorite blends to perfection, with precise temperature control and customizable settings.

The design is a specialty coffee machine for drip coffee. It has an automated movement of the parts to collect ground coffee and move, with a rotation, to the water outlet position. One button and it's done! The user can modify or pre-set the details of grinding, temperature, and volume of water. The state-of-the-art machine is designed to brew the favorite blends to perfection, with precise temperature control and customizable settings.

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Good  Design

Wsd Speciality Coffee Maker

Good Design

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Wsd Speciality Coffee Maker

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Wsd Speciality Coffee Maker

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Wsd Speciality Coffee Maker

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Wsd  Speciality Coffee Maker

Wsd Speciality Coffee Maker

Nicola Zanetti

Designer of Wsd Speciality Coffee Maker

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