High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro Mixed use structure

Architecture Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Architecture, Building and Structure Design.

High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro Mixed use structure
by Paula Werneck Arquitetura

  • Awarded April 15, 2012
  • 18.046
Brazil is going through a crucial moment in the international scenario. The World Cup 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016 requires several changes throughout the country but particularly in Rio de Janeiro. Aiming at the requirements of these events, the project presented is originated from the mixed use: a convention center, a hotel, a business center, shops and apartments. All the aspects are very well integrated by the public square wich is the main feature of this project inviting the public space into the private building and so it becomes an open block.Unique within a chaotic environment.

Brazil is going through a crucial moment in the international scenario. The World Cup 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016 requires several changes throughout the country but particularly in Rio de Janeiro. Aiming at the requirements of these events, the project presented is originated from the mixed use: a convention center, a hotel, a business center, shops and apartments. All the aspects are very well integrated by the public square wich is the main feature of this project inviting the public space into the private building and so it becomes an open block.Unique within a chaotic environment.

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Good  Design

High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro Mixed use structure

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High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro Mixed use structure

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High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro Mixed use structure

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High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro Mixed use structure

CanguRo Mobility Robot Image

High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro  Mixed use structure

High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro Mixed use structure

Paula Werneck Arquitetura

Designer of High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro Mixed use structure

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