Green Hunger Inclusive Recycling Bins

Street Furniture Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Street Furniture Design.

Green Hunger Inclusive Recycling Bins
by Kin Wai Michael Siu

  • Awarded April 15, 2015
  • CLIENT: Public Design Lab, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 7.475
Green Hunger is a set of recycling bins which aims to promote environmental sustainability through the image of baby birds. Its form illustrates the hungry, eagerness and urgency of an eco-friendly environment. The easy-recognised image shows the important of immediate awareness, attention and action on recycling participation. It overcomes the cultural and social differences that people with different backgrounds and abilities/disabilities can appreciate the design and meaning behind.

Green Hunger is a set of recycling bins which aims to promote environmental sustainability through the image of baby birds. Its form illustrates the hungry, eagerness and urgency of an eco-friendly environment. The easy-recognised image shows the important of immediate awareness, attention and action on recycling participation. It overcomes the cultural and social differences that people with different backgrounds and abilities/disabilities can appreciate the design and meaning behind.

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Good  Design

Green Hunger Inclusive Recycling Bins

Good Design

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Green Hunger Inclusive Recycling Bins

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Green Hunger Inclusive Recycling Bins

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Green Hunger Inclusive Recycling Bins

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Green Hunger Inclusive Recycling Bins

Green Hunger Inclusive Recycling Bins

Kin Wai Michael Siu

Designer of Green Hunger Inclusive Recycling Bins

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