WoodBox Learning Enviroment Learning and education Enviroment

Architecture Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Architecture, Building and Structure Design.

WoodBox Learning Enviroment Learning and education Enviroment
by Alvaro Velasquez Gerszencveig

  • Awarded April 15, 2017
  • CLIENT: Celulosa Arauco / DuocUC
  • 6.181
The college Building house classrooms, workshops, cafeteria, library, chapell and admin areas in a 30.000 sf of state of the art wood building. The design team was commissioned to design a Technical College building plus construction in 12 month. To achieve such a challenge, we work closely with Celulosa Arauco wood manufacture developing a comprehensive prefabricate system that include Glulam beams, floor and wall panels, curtain wall systems and a wood rain screen facade. We were determinate to create an innovative learning environment for an isolate community using wood as a main resource.

The college Building house classrooms, workshops, cafeteria, library, chapell and admin areas in a 30.000 sf of state of the art wood building. The design team was commissioned to design a Technical College building plus construction in 12 month. To achieve such a challenge, we work closely with Celulosa Arauco wood manufacture developing a comprehensive prefabricate system that include Glulam beams, floor and wall panels, curtain wall systems and a wood rain screen facade. We were determinate to create an innovative learning environment for an isolate community using wood as a main resource.

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Good  Design

WoodBox Learning Enviroment Learning and education Enviroment

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WoodBox Learning Enviroment Learning and education Enviroment

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WoodBox Learning Enviroment Learning and education Enviroment

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WoodBox Learning Enviroment Learning and education Enviroment

WoodBox Learning Enviroment Learning and education Enviroment

Alvaro Velasquez Gerszencveig

Designer of WoodBox Learning Enviroment Learning and education Enviroment

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