Transmogrified Mimesis Concept Creatures

Computer Graphics Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Computer Graphics, 3D Modeling, Texturing, and Rendering Design.

Transmogrified Mimesis Concept Creatures
by Maryam Aljomairi

  • Awarded April 15, 2018
  • CLIENT: MaryamAljomairi
  • 7.589
The Mimeses are amphibiotic creatures that have transmogrified from living things in which they exhibit an underdeveloped sensory system to creatures that exhibit a highly developed sensory and nervous system. In order to maintain their longevity and preserve their habitat they have acquired traits and characteristics of the existing environment, emulating attributes of their surroundings from existing vegetation and creatures.

The Mimeses are amphibiotic creatures that have transmogrified from living things in which they exhibit an underdeveloped sensory system to creatures that exhibit a highly developed sensory and nervous system. In order to maintain their longevity and preserve their habitat they have acquired traits and characteristics of the existing environment, emulating attributes of their surroundings from existing vegetation and creatures.

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Good  Design

Transmogrified Mimesis Concept Creatures

Good Design

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Transmogrified Mimesis Concept Creatures

Great Design by Shunji Yamanaka & fuRo

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Transmogrified Mimesis Concept Creatures

Inspirational Mobility Robot Design

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Transmogrified Mimesis Concept Creatures

CanguRo Mobility Robot Image

Transmogrified Mimesis Concept Creatures

Transmogrified Mimesis Concept Creatures

Maryam Aljomairi

Designer of Transmogrified Mimesis Concept Creatures

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