Slid Disposable coffee lid

Packaging Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Packaging Design.

Slid Disposable coffee lid
by Scott Shim

  • Awarded April 15, 2018
  • 5.174
Slid is a drink through disposable lid with an angled design that improves the flow of hot drinks and offers ergonomic references to prevent direct contact between the hand and the drinking hole. The design improves drinkability and addresses sanitation concerns of conventional flat top lids which limits drink flow and often lacks physical or visual references when securing lids on the cup.

Slid is a drink through disposable lid with an angled design that improves the flow of hot drinks and offers ergonomic references to prevent direct contact between the hand and the drinking hole. The design improves drinkability and addresses sanitation concerns of conventional flat top lids which limits drink flow and often lacks physical or visual references when securing lids on the cup.

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Good  Design

Slid Disposable coffee lid

Good Design

Great Design by Shunji Yamanaka & fuRo

Slid Disposable coffee lid

Great Design by Shunji Yamanaka & fuRo

Inspirational Mobility Robot Design

Slid Disposable coffee lid

Inspirational Mobility Robot Design

CanguRo Mobility Robot Image

Slid Disposable coffee lid

CanguRo Mobility Robot Image

Slid Disposable coffee lid

Slid Disposable coffee lid

Scott Shim

Designer of Slid Disposable coffee lid

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