Laihui Coffee Roastery

Interior Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Interior Space and Exhibition Design.

Laihui Coffee Roastery
by Zhenan Hou

  • Awarded April 15, 2019
  • CLIENT: Laihui Coffee
  • 3.794
There’s a growing number of coffee consumption happening in China, with the idea of Bringing Specialty Coffee to Ordinary Life, the first café of Laihui was opened in the Liuyun Estate, a quiet local neighborhood which surrounded by several shopping malls in the center area of Guangzhou. By using the pure and solid materials of cement and wood, to reduce the distraction of environment, and let people take as much attentions as possible to coffee itself. The Roastery is the 2.0 version of Laihu

There’s a growing number of coffee consumption happening in China, with the idea of Bringing Specialty Coffee to Ordinary Life, the first café of Laihui was opened in the Liuyun Estate, a quiet local neighborhood which surrounded by several shopping malls in the center area of Guangzhou. By using the pure and solid materials of cement and wood, to reduce the distraction of environment, and let people take as much attentions as possible to coffee itself. The Roastery is the 2.0 version of Laihu

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Good  Design

Laihui Coffee Roastery

Good Design

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Laihui Coffee Roastery

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Laihui Coffee Roastery

Laihui Coffee Roastery

Zhenan Hou

Designer of Laihui Coffee Roastery

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