Circe Sculptural Pavilion

Architecture Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Architecture, Building and Structure Design.

Circe Sculptural Pavilion
by DaeWha Kang

  • Awarded April 15, 2019
  • CLIENT: Kunstverein Arnsberg
  • 5.064
This floating pavilion is part of the art exhibition ‘odyssee’ on mohnesee lake, Germany. The exhibition featured twenty-four artists who were asked to make pieces on the lake. Named ‘circe’ after the seductive witch from greek mythology, the pavilion provides a resting place for visitors as they swim from artwork to artwork. The theme of transformation takes shape through 278 identical pieces of spruce that turn and shift to create forms that are alternately organic and platonic.

This floating pavilion is part of the art exhibition ‘odyssee’ on mohnesee lake, Germany. The exhibition featured twenty-four artists who were asked to make pieces on the lake. Named ‘circe’ after the seductive witch from greek mythology, the pavilion provides a resting place for visitors as they swim from artwork to artwork. The theme of transformation takes shape through 278 identical pieces of spruce that turn and shift to create forms that are alternately organic and platonic.

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Circe Sculptural Pavilion

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Circe Sculptural Pavilion

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Circe Sculptural Pavilion

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Circe Sculptural Pavilion

Circe Sculptural Pavilion

DaeWha Kang

Designer of Circe Sculptural Pavilion

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