Stones Sofa

Furniture Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Furniture Design.

Stones Sofa
by Roberta Banqueri

  • Awarded April 15, 2019
  • CLIENT: Pontoeu
  • 5.727
  The Stones sofa is an organic, low, flexible use piece that fits well in different environments, residential or otherwise, fills large areas unpretentiously, was born contemporary, with flowing lines without defined geometry; was called Stones by its shape and use, sustains and accommodates anyone who wants to sit or lie down. Pieces can be used together or individually, they can be in the middle of space, like an island or in a corner, alone. This upholstery is designed to be coated with a handmade polyester fabric made by Tapetah, a huge variety of colors enhances product customization.

The Stones sofa is an organic, low, flexible use piece that fits well in different environments, residential or otherwise, fills large areas unpretentiously, was born contemporary, with flowing lines without defined geometry; was called Stones by its shape and use, sustains and accommodates anyone who wants to sit or lie down. Pieces can be used together or individually, they can be in the middle of space, like an island or in a corner, alone. This upholstery is designed to be coated with a handmade polyester fabric made by Tapetah, a huge variety of colors enhances product customization.

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Stones Sofa

Stones Sofa

Roberta Banqueri

Designer of Stones Sofa

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