Casa Ojala Highly Flexible House

Architecture Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Architecture, Building and Structure Design.

Casa Ojala Highly Flexible House
by Beatrice Bonzanigo

  • Awarded April 15, 2019
  • CLIENT: Arch. Beatrice Bonzanigo, IB Studio Milan
  • 12.523
The architectural limits of forced views, filtered light, controlled air and untouchable canopy are broken. Casa Ojala is a patented project by Architect Beatrice Bonzanigo. It is a small house with high flexibility. Its strenght comes from its innovative manual mechanical system. The surprise and the simplicity with which it changes, create a unique experience of a new and palpable life, a new discovery in the world of static architecture. The limited space converts into an infinite home. The home becomes a surprise, a game, a theatre, fragrances and gestures. The landscape is its facade.

The architectural limits of forced views, filtered light, controlled air and untouchable canopy are broken. Casa Ojala is a patented project by Architect Beatrice Bonzanigo. It is a small house with high flexibility. Its strenght comes from its innovative manual mechanical system. The surprise and the simplicity with which it changes, create a unique experience of a new and palpable life, a new discovery in the world of static architecture. The limited space converts into an infinite home. The home becomes a surprise, a game, a theatre, fragrances and gestures. The landscape is its facade.

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Good  Design

Casa Ojala Highly Flexible House

Good Design

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Casa Ojala Highly Flexible House

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Casa Ojala Highly Flexible House

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Casa Ojala Highly Flexible House

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Casa Ojala  Highly Flexible House

Casa Ojala Highly Flexible House

Beatrice Bonzanigo

Designer of Casa Ojala Highly Flexible House

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