Since childhood, she loved to draw. The houses were all the walls are painted by me. Mom noticed this craze took me hudozhestvuennuyu school at age 12. During the training, I decided to become a future architect.
I live in the Kazakhstan capital Astana. Astana young capital is developing fast. There is a clear structure of the city. Lack of city little greenery.
First of all, companies need to recruit very young designers and architects. Hire them as apprentices. Only such can get real professionals. As they learn to real-world projects.
Once the theme of the project announced in the head is constant stream of thoughts that need to have time to reflect on paper. Choose from several sketches the best. Treat it by computer graphics and show the client.
In the morning I wake up at 7:30 am I go to work. The workday starts at 9:00. From this moment begins yatvorchesky process and it ends at 18:00 pm. Next come home and the house continues the creative process that lasts well into the night. Sometimes I do not want to do anything but this happens very rarely. Basically, I live with my profession.
For painting works using professional markers COPIC. Computer programs are products of AutoDesk. Of favorite books is the book of Matthew Frederick "101 idea for architects."