My design background was based on my educational experiences in Taiwan, and then later in Europe. Serving the purpose of creating better livings for others.Yes, I have always wanted to be a designer ever since I was a kid.
My company pursues after curiosity, dedicate to wonderful life, and simultaneously making value and beauty for living spaces. To us a space could likely be a variation of attitudes towards life. In attempting to solve the problems, the “right” design presents, and we strongly believe that it is human that produces the existence of space. By reassigning the space layout air, light, water, color, material, sense of touch and all these adds up to demonstrate a kind of “atmosphere”.
Social design and universal design.Social design is design, that is mindful of the designer's role and responsibility in society, and of the use of the design process to bring about social change.Universal design is the design of buildings, products or environments to make them accessible to all people, regardless of age, disability or other factors.
I live in Taiwan.Yes, my cultural heritage has affected my design.Pros: Taiwan has its unique historical position, where it was ruled by foreigners such as Spain, Nederland, and most importantly, Taiwanese, Japanese, Chinese, and American. We have a mixture of abundant cultures with different design styles that influenced Taiwan. Cons: Even till today, Taiwan still does not have one particular style that could define what’s Taiwanese design style. We did not have the chance to develop it.
Provide the need, problems, and style of design for designers.A good designer is always a good listener, whom response and understands the problems; and can solve them.
First, understanding the problems/ issues/ need.Second, base on the inf received to construct a structure/ layout.Last, provide problem solving methods with design styles.
Positives: Being able to solve problems with design.Negatives: None. Being able to do what you love most, there is really no negatives of being a designer.
Being able to help others with design, and the satisfaction they received after their needs and problems were being take care of.
Having fun , and being able to “play” rather than work
The ability to solve problems for others with design.
A good design is a reflective of your life, and representative of your taste and style for a long term.
Church on the Water by Tadao Ando.
It is a perfect combination of the surrounding environments and fulfilling the purpose of the design. The transitional process is like complete surprise.
Design is attempting to solve the problems, the “right” design presents.
Design to me is to pursue after curiosity, dedicate to wonderful life, and simultaneously making value and beauty for living spaces. By reassigning the space layout air, light, water, color, material, sense of touch and all these adds up to demonstrate a kind of “atmosphere”.
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