Specialized in Fine Art Design.
Maria Joanna Juchnowska Artist, designer, curator, founder of Mari JJ Design brand based in Oslo Norway- launched in 2010, in Stockholm Sweden. Participated in many international exhibitions and fairs in New York, Tokyo, London, Dubai, South Korea, China, and across Europe. Laureate and finalist of international competitions: Honorable Mention at Cheongju Biennale Craft Competition 2021, Martinsons Award 2021, Make Me! Łódź Design Festival 2019, Talente 2018 Munich, Future Lights 2016/17, Chouftouhonna Feminist ArtFestival 2016, Nachtmann Design Competition 2011. Cooperated with high-end companies including brands of luxury goods such as Meissen GMbH, Franz Collection in Taiwan/China. Since 2007 implemented Mari JJ Design limited-edition collections at porcelain and stoneware factories: Ćmielów, Kristoff, Bolesławiec in Poland. Maria Joanna Juchnowska is a member of the following organizations: IAC International Academy of Ceramics, Norske Kunsthåndverkere, Norske Billedkunstnere, Artaxis International Ceramic Artist Association. Maria Juchnowska is one of the founders of the recently established Norwegian Polish Culture Organisation NPoK
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