Years ago, I published a text on design and writing. In this text, I explored an important concept of classical antiquity: ut pictura poesis. Concept derived from classical poetics, it also applied to the visual arts. Only in the Renaissance did pictorial art begin to tear itself away from the classical poetic arts, which guided the construction of images by the principle of decorum, and with Leonardo da Vinci a treatise on painting emerged from the premises of painting. The maturity of pictorial art takes place in modernism with extreme intensity, in which the dehumanization of art leads to a path of intense abstraction, creating a very peculiar poetic art, with an authentic manifestation dissociated from writing. However, as a good disciple of Bakhtin and Saussure, I can not see the slightest possibility of running away from the word. All pictorial matter demands and encourages the human being to express his interpretation on the pictorial object through linguistic discourse, even if the discourse is a mere onomatopoeia of awe! Deep inside the being, narratives form before an image, wanting to expel words of condemnation or praise.The pictorial construction without the word, in my conception, would not be the terrain of graphic design, for for this, the word is raw material and object sine quae non. The relevance of typography in design is not merely an aesthetic apparatus. And, from this observation, I establish for myself the frontier of independence of illustration in relation to design. The first is pictorial, it may abdicate words, for they will come from the receiver of the message. The second depends on the word to construct an organized statement, dependent on a syntax and discursive premises. Someone would raise his hand and say: what about the pictograms? And the system created by Otto Neurath? Well, the illustration, when incorporated into an identity system, loses its independent and interpretive character. Definitely, design is not the terrain of interpretation but of information. In the face of a pictogram, we can not, as postulated by Roman Jakobson, delve into the paradigmatic axis of language, which is the terrain of poetry. I can not question a pictogram.